3 Mart 2009 Salı

edessa is a city which is a bridge between east and west.Its so old that its history reach 8000 BC.According to some people its mean is ' the cith with beatiful rivers'.It was near Şanlıurfa and arkeological trips lighten that between 10000-5500 BC this city was known as a settlement .According to Assyrian tablets this place was settled by Hurris and Mittannis in 2000BC.Persians settled there and had a big role for improving trace and agriculture in 6 BC.After death of iskender, Seleukoses took up here and 1.Seleukos set Edessa in 303 BC.In fact there isn't a real information about setting of Edessa ,according to Arab historian Ebul Faraç,Edessa is the most important and first of seven settlement after Noah flood.Today this city is calles as Prophets City.Near the center of Şanlıurfa world's the oldest temples which are far away from our times nearly 11000 years were found and it is understood that Şanlıurfa is the oldest settlement with believers to a religion.

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